Should I Learn Java or C
usual dilemma for a new learner! Or how many languages should I learn or master so that I can surely get a job?
When you embark on the journey of an IT career, many people get confused about this choice. Really speaking, you do not have to run after learning multiple languages. The key is to learn one language very well so that you become very proficient in it. You should be able to develop applications in that language. Once this feat is achieved, you can learn and program in any other language with ease or you can learn any other programming language on your own, very fast. The mantra is “perfection in one language”.
So, now the question is which “one” language one should choose to start with or focus on.
Full-stack Developer: Popular languages

This is developer survey 2022 by Stackoverflow. If you carefully look at it, you have a clear choice of Java Course, C#, and Python as programming languages. The other popular names like JavaScript, SQL, and Typescript you would eventually learn if you get into developing web applications.
Full Stack Developer: Solution building over just writing program
For becoming a software developer Java Technology or C# are good choices. Because both of these languages are part of bigger enterprise solution platforms. You should be aware that an aspiring software developer needs to focus on “solution building” rather than just “programming”. One needs to have sufficient knowledge of all the components and frameworks needed to build a complete software application.
Let us look at both platforms a little more closely.

If you carefully observe, there is striking one-to-one correspondence as shown above. In nutshell, both the technologies have similar features to implement a software solution.
How to make the choice between two similar or almost similar technology stacks? The answer is very simple. Whichever technology you would like to work with is the right choice. If you have done a project in your graduation in one of these or related technologies, going in depth for the same technology is a good idea. For example, for one who has worked on Visual Basic, Microsoft technologies would be an obvious choice.
Full Stack Developer: Java or C#
In my opinion, you can start with either Java or C# and master the solution building in it. Once you are an expert in one technology, in reality, you already know the other language, almost. With some training and study, you will be able to handle the other technology in a very short span of time. One of the important points is that both these technologies provide equal job opportunities.
Let us not worry too much about whether it is Java Course or C#. Start with the one which you feel appropriate, and develop proficiency in it. Do not stop there, start acquiring knowledge of the latest frameworks and tools to build the enterprise applications like full-stack. That is, with Java/C#, start learning HTML, CSS, Angular, React, Bootstrap, NO-SQL databases, etc.
For Java full-Stack Course : https://www.seedinfotech.com/full-stack-development/
For .NET full-Stack Course : https://www.seedinfotech.com/full-stack-net/
For short term Java Course : https://www.seedinfotech.com/short-term-basic-courses/#corejava